FHG at the 7th Applied Human Factors and Ergnomics Conference

Fort Hill Group was excited to participate in the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences. The conference was held in Las Vegas, NV on July 27-31.  Fort Hill Group was presenting five papers covering a variety of human factors topics.  The accepted papers included: 

  • Proactive Assessment of the Changing Non-Conformance Risk Profile for Arrival and Departure Procedures in NextGen. Sawyer, M., Berry, K., Henderson, A., Rohde, R., & Liskey, D.
  • A Cross-Cutting Human Factors Impact Assessment of Planned NextGen Changes. Austrian, E., Berry, K., & Sawyer, M.
  • Examining Integrated Human-System Safety in NextGen through An Application of the Human-Organization Safety Technique (HOST). Sawyer, M. & Berry, K. 
  • Quantifying the Human Element of Safety in Airport Tower Operations: Overcoming Risks Introduced by Static Airport Characteristics. Berry K., Sawyer, M. Hinson, J., & Dewalt, L.
  • Examining the Impact of Helmet Orientation Visual Cues on the Passing Effectiveness of Quarterbacks in American Football. Sawyer, M., Buchmann, C., & Kalbaugh, C.

A full list of Fort Hill Group conference papers, book chapters, and journal artciles is available on our Publications page.